Santa Cruz

Hosoi Irie Eye Reissue 9.95 x 29.59in

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Santa Cruz Hosoi Irie Eye Reissue 9.95 in x 29.59 in Deck

Santa Cruz Skateboards / Team Hosoi / Christian HosoiIrie Eye reisssue deck. Yetanother never before re-issued deck featuring the OG shape with spot glossgraphic, and Old School Concave.Ties back to HO23 apparelline

7 ply North American Maple pressed individually using epoxy—making astrong, responsive deck with long lasting pop and consistent concave andkick.Old School concave is a blast from the past. With a comfortable side to sideconcave and continuous tail kick OS concave gives you easy foot placementon cruisers, shaped, and old school boards with longer tail than nose.

Eachdeck has a 50th Anniversary deck top laser etched logo.